- Robert Hooke discovered dead cell in 1665.
- Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovered first living cell in 1674.
- Robert Brown discovered nucleus in 1831.
- Purkinje gave the term cytoplasm.
- T.H.Huxley described protoplasm as "physical basis of life" in 1868.
- Rudolf Virchow stated "omnis cellulae cellua" I.e all cells arise from preexisting cells.
- The German botanist Scheilden and the German physiologist Schwann in 1838 gave the cell theory.
- The single celled organisms are called unicellular organisms.
- Organisms made of more than one cell are called multicellular organisms.
- Shapes of cells of bacteria are bacilli,spirilla,coccus,vibrio.
- Pleomorphism is the ability of few cells to change its shape during their life cycle.
- A small cell is more efficient than a larger one.
- Cells are measured in microns.
- Mycoplasma is the smallest cell.
- Largest cell is ostrich egg.
- Largest plant cell acetabularia.
- Longest cell is neuron.
- Cell membrane gives shape to cells.
- Cells engulf particles or fluids by endocytosis.
- Pinocytosis moves liquids into the cell.
- Phagocytosis moves larger particles into the cell.
- Cell wall is permeable and is present only in plant cells.
- Ca and Mg pectates are plant cement.
- Fruits become soft and juicy as middle lamella dissolves.
- Cytoplasm present between cell membrane and nucleus.
- Endoplasmic reticulum is a system of membranes.
- Protein + Carbohydrate= glycoprotein
- Golgi Apparatus is middle men of the cell.
- Ribosome is engine of cell or protein factory.
- Lysosomes are food processors and digestive bags and suicidal bags.
- Centrosomes help in cell division.
- Peroxisomes,Glyoxisomes,Sphaerosomes.
- Mitochondria is power house of cell.
- Chloroplast is kitchen of cell.
- Nucleus carries genetic material
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